Why Create An Account?

Every e-commerce web site wants you to create an account. Any online merchant that wants to make a sale will give you a “guest” checkout option so that you can quickly complete your purchase and move on.

We offer that at TheTapeworks.com and we appreciate other websites that give us that option.

That having been said, taking a few minutes to set up an account can save you time in the future and give you access to site features that are not available if you don’t have an active account.

By setting up your account, you can tape advantage of these features:

-Not entering the “bill to” and “ship to” fields every time you order.

-Create an address book so that you can ship to multiple locations with just a mouse click.

-Securely store payment information.

-Access your order history.

-Recover or change your password.

-Print out an invoice facsimile of your most recent (or any other) invoice.

-Take advantage of special offers only made available to registered customers

We securely store your information and never share it with any third parties.

Click here and register now.

Voice 866-386-8335
Fax 800-327-6651
Email sales@harrisonbros.com

Harrison Bros. Inc.
47 North Chatham Pkwy.
Chapel Hill, NC 27517