Go Big Or Go Home!

We’ve been big on duct tape for years (decades really), but a recent gift from one of our suppliers completely redefines what a “big ” roll of duct tape is.

Thank you, Electro Tape!

We’re not sure how long this roll is, but it easily weighs 15 pounds and we know that it would make even MacGyver swoon.

It even came with its own display stand.

It will be on display for a limited time in our office, and while tickets are free, you’ll need to schedule your 15 minute viewing time at least a week in advance.

Voice 866-386-8335
Fax 800-327-6651
Email sales@harrisonbros.com

Harrison Bros. Inc.
47 North Chatham Pkwy.
Chapel Hill, NC 27517

We’re Not Saying It’s counterfeit, But…..

Counterfeits are a big problem, especially in e-commerce. Items manufactured in China and branded with designer labels lead to billions in lost sales for legitimate manufacturers.

“Fake” gaffers tape may not actually be counterfeit, but once you’ve bought a roll of it off of Ebay or Alibaba, you might be tempted to call it that.

Tape that is sold as gaffers tape but that is not made with woven cotton cloth is not real gaffers tape. If it is sold that way, then it is similar to other counterfeit goods.

Tape that has a low quality organic adhesive may not be fake tape, but after you finish cleaning the adhesive residue off your cables and your stage floor, you can be forgiven if you feel like you have been sold a fake.

There are lots of tapes that look like gaffers tape and which perform a lot of the tasks that gaffers tape is used for are out there. If you want to make sure you get the real thing, stick with well known manufacturers names and make your purchase from trusted vendors.

Voice 866-386-8335
Fax 800-327-6651
Email sales@harrisonbros.com

Harrison Bros. Inc.
47 North Chatham Pkwy.
Chapel Hill, NC 27517

Doing A Trade Show? Make Sure Your Display Passes “The Duct Tape Test”

roll of silver duct tape

I edit another blog (product specific) called Tradeshowtape.com.  It is focused on products used to produce trade shows.

Recently I came across a trade show concept called “The Duct Tape Test“.  Obviously, any trade show idea that is focused on tape is going to catch my attention.  Turns out, “The Duct Tape Test” has nothing to do with  tape.

Tape As An “Idea”, Not As A Product

The idea of this test is for evaluating trade show displays, but it is relevant to almost any type of presentation, even those that are not primarily graphic content.

It works like this

In order for a trade show (or any) display to pass the duct tape test, it must be able to get your idea across even if you had your mouth covered with duct tape.   If your display can’t  get your ideas across without your explaining or elaborating, it has failed the test.

Next time you want to present an idea through a graphical presentation, make sure it can pass the “Duct Tape Test”.

Voice 866-386-8335
Fax 800-327-6651
Email sales@harrisonbros.com

Harrison Bros. Inc.
47 North Chatham Pkwy.
Chapel Hill, NC 27517