In an obvious attempt to take on new services by Amazon and the US Postal Service, UPS is now offering Saturday delivery at regular ground shipping rates on Saturdays.
Now that Amazon is operating its own fleet of delivery vans, UPS has lost a considerable amount of business to this new service.
Expanded delivery service by the Post Office, including Saturday and even Sunday delivery of parcels and first class mail has also eaten into UPS’s share of the parcel delivery business.
As of now, this service is available in only about 40 municipal areas, but, if successful, don’t be surprised if it is rolled out on a nationwide basis.
This means that you can now include Saturdays when counting the number of days before your ground shipment is delivered.
Not only are ground rates now offered for this service, there is no longer an additional fee for Saturday service.
Our order takers can help you understand when you should expect to see your order.
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