“Alien Ears” Ruining Your Photos?

alien ears

How many times have you had an otherwise good photo portrait ruined because your subjects ears glowed like something from Star Trek?

This is caused by having a light source behind your subject’s head that illuminates the backs of their ears.  Since this tissue is very thin and translucent, the ears appear to glow.  In extreme cases they can even look like they are separate from the head.

If you’re good with Photoshop or some other photo editing software, they you can “fix it in the mix”.

A simpler, quicker, and fool proof fix is to affix small pieces of gaffers tape to the backs of the subjects ears before shooting.  This will allow you to have a strong light source from behind, but now the ears won’t glow.

Gaffers tape is safe for short term skin exposure and can be removed without leaving sticky residue behind.

TheTapeworks.com is your “go to” site for gaffers tape, ProCell batteries, tie line, extension cords and lots more “satisfaction guaranteed” production expendables.

Voice 866-386-8335
Fax 800-327-6651
Email sales@harrisonbros.com

Harrison Bros. Inc.
47 North Chatham Pkwy.
Chapel Hill, NC 27517

Need Quick Drying Paint? Try Gaffers Tape!

Last minute touch up painting on a stage or set can be a big problem. Being forced to take the time for paint to dry can bring an entire production to a screeching halt.

Using a hair dryer to dry paint can lead to blistering and discoloration and waiting for something to air dry so that it can be touched can seem like it takes an eternity.

Gaffers tape to the rescue?

Think of the twenty available colors of gaffers tape as “dry paint”. You can quickly cover an area needing paint with tape and it can be instantly handled. Color matching is easy and gaffers tape can be cut to whatever size you need to complete the repair.

Once your work is finished, the tape can be removed without damaging the underlying surface or leaving messy adhesive residue.

Oh, and I almost forgot “no messy brushes to clean“!

TheTapeworks.com is your “go to” site for gaffers tape, ProCell batteries, tie line, extension cords and lots more “satisfaction guaranteed” production expendables.

Voice 866-386-8335
Fax 800-327-6651
Email sales@harrisonbros.com

Harrison Bros. Inc.
47 North Chatham Pkwy.
Chapel Hill, NC 27517