If your business or institution is exempt from North Carolina sales tax, you can still place online orders at TheTapeworks.com.
Before checking out and placing an order, please set up an account. After you have done that, contact us and we can designate your account as tax exempt.
We can not make you NC sales tax exempt unless you set up an account. It’s quick and easy. Just click here. It only takes a minute.
Please note: There is no sales tax on orders shipped to addresses outside of North Carolina. No tax exempt forms are necessary. If your order is not shipping to a North Carolina address you will not see any sales tax charged at checkout.
In order to complete this tax free designation, we will need for you to submit a completed North Carolina Sales and Use Tax Agreement (Form E-595E). Once completed, you can fax the form to 800-327-6651 or email it to sales@harrisonbros.com. We can then make it possible for you to place future online orders that will not charge tax.
If you need to place an order before completing this process, you can still place the order and then request a tax refund. We will still need the completed form E-595E.
If you have questions, please contact us. We’ll be happy to help.
Voice 866-386-8335
Fax 800-327-6651
Email sales@harrisonbros.com
Harrison Bros. Inc.
47 North Chatham Pkwy.
Chapel Hill, NC 27517