We’re online, all the time. You can place an order any time, day or night, from anywhere.
We’ve got a great mobile version of TheTapeworks.com and we’ve got voicemail that gets answered first thing every business day.
Once you create an online account, you can check the status of your order, see your order history, change your payment method and add a shipping address. All from anywhere.
Our customer service checks email and contact us forms even after business hours, so don’t be surprised if you ask us a question at 9:00 at night and get a response within the hour.
We don’t have hold music and we strive to answer every phone call by the third ring.
That’s how badly we want to be your tape supplier.
TheTapeworks.com is your “go to” site for gaffers tape, ProCell batteries, tie line, extension cords and lots more “satisfaction guaranteed” production expendables.
Voice 866-386-8335
Fax 800-327-6651
Email sales@harrisonbros.com
Harrison Bros. Inc.
47 North Chatham Pkwy.
Chapel Hill, NC 27517